We were late for our Melbourne wedding; because why not, we’d just come from our other one (read blog 2 if this makes no sense). Once the bus stopped, my boys and I jumped out and walked down to the front of the room; that’s when it hit me!
I remember the feeling of walking into an electric atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. Everyone was beaming their pearly whites, all wanted to hug and kiss us…and I couldn’t help hope they wanted to give us lots of presents too (just being honest)!
My groomsmen and I assumed the position, in order, on a slight angle and flys up. The music began to play (have no idea what it was), and then came my soon to be daughter Mila as our flower girl, the bridesmaids and my gorgeous Bride. I wish I wasn’t so soppy about this moment, because I’m not a soppy guy, but I’d be lying if I tried to down play my personal experience. I could see people were looking and her, then at me to read my face, then back and her… and then back at me. It was an incredibly beautiful and overwhelming feeling to watch Grace walk down the aisle with her parents either side.
I also had the perfect celebrant for us, Darren my previous youth pastor and friend. He’s the main reason I love to be upfront with a microphone and if it wasn’t for his trust and giving me opportunities to speak publicly (we’re talking 13 year old voice popping age too) I probably wouldn’t be doing what I do today.
As expected he was faultless at the job; spoke to the room with confidence, kept us calm, had us in stitches and set the tone of our wedding, from ‘pretend’ ceremony at Fitzroy Gardens to the real one.
The words Darren shared aren’t exactly what I remember; however the emotion, the vibe, the energy is what I can still feel when I think back to it! He carried the atmosphere we walked into and only added to it; that’s what made it great!
During the ceremony Grace and I shared the same vows, gifted each other rings (custom designed by Chris Hannan at Hannan Jewellery Design) and finished it with a big ol kiss! Hello world, meet Mr and Mrs Hordern!!
After the ceremony we went to our reception at The Pavilion in the Fitzroy Gardens where we were showered with cheers, hugs, canapes, drinks and gifts (Yea Baby!).
Our first dance was a perfect cliché to ‘Thousand Years’ followed by our speeches where people still comment on Nick’s (Best Man) speech (mostly for good reasons haha).
We chose not to have a sit down wedding – both a financial and atmosphere decision, there were some chairs for some to sit, but we wanted guests to mingle and dance.
Thankyou to everyone who made our wedding day possible and the parts you played; both big and small, upfront or unseen – you made it great for us.
If you want want tips, stories and suggestions on how to make your day all the more special, subscribe here and don’t miss out!
Planning your wedding and need a Melbourne Wedding Celebrant – Look no further, you’ve found me! I’ll guide you through the whole process; vows, paperwork, story writing and stand by you on the day to deliver the ceremony you desire. Let’s talk!
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